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L&H Expertise on Display Nationwide

In recent months, L&H has presented nationwide, including on the following topics: ‍ ·  "Legal Update and Labor Compliance" at the California Construction Institute's 2019 Public Works Update in Santa Ana, California. ·  "How to Perfect and Enforce Your California…
November 8, 2019

IP, Transactional Services, and More

L&H Senior Counsel Jim Millane is a registered patent attorney experienced in securing and protecting intellectual property including procurement of patents, trademarks and copyrights and related litigation. Jim is also experienced in a wide variety of transactional matters including contract…
November 8, 2019

L&H Handles Much More Than Litigation

At Lanak & Hanna, our clients know that we're able to handle their pre-litigation, as well as their litigation needs. However, not all of our clients are presently aware that we also capably handle a wide array of other business…
June 24, 2019