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Lauren Stec

Lauren Stec is a dependable and persistent attorney who will fight for her clients in every stage of litigation. Ms. Stec uses her strong oral advocacy skills to present her clients’ position in a clear and compelling manner to effectively resolve cases long before trial and at considerable savings to her clients.


The Anatomy of a Bid Protest

The anatomy of a bid protest can be broken down into three sections. First, who can file a bid protest. Second, when to file a bid protest. And third, how to file a bid protest.  Who Can File a Bid…
February 28, 2023
Case Studies

How to File a Bid Protest

California law generally requires public works projects that exceed $5,000.00 to be publicly bid and awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Often times a contractor will submit a bid on a public works project only to find that they were…
December 3, 2019